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  About Metroalty


Metroalty Corporation is owned by United Properties Inc. , a global provider of real estate brokerage management , with more then 20 years experience in the national and international real estate market.


Metroalty has developed a diversified business model that includes Metroalty Showing Desk appointment center, and Metroalty Office Manager, a complete web based management system that handle  Agents Recruiting, Agents Training and Testing, internet Marketing, Contracts Processing, Record Keeping and Performance Analysis .


Metroalty offers for brokers  a complete real estate brokerage management solutions . The system is designed to integrate technology with human resources,  to provide a powerful management solutions accessible by brokers from anywhere on the globe.

The system is also designed to help small and medium size companies to grow , make higher profit  and be more organized, without any extra overhead.


We also provide brokers with a complete tested and succeeded real estate operating system that help them better manage, organize and grow their companies, attract more agents, and get more local and global exposure, without putting any financial loads to them.


By reinventing the traditional management system to meet the business demands of today’s market for brokers, our objective during this transformation is to help brokers meet the challenges of profitability and effectiveness.


Metroalty will service our members through strong Regional Models, directed by a Regional Director or Corporate Member Services each of whom has a major investment in the growth and development of offices within the Region. We are committed to the professional development of all of our members.







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